Vocabulary 3.1 Activity By Yan Xie (Chinese Language)
This activity is designed by Professor (of Chinese Language) Yan Xie, using PhotoPeach. Please read Professor Yan Xie’s comment below about this activity:
"I am very glad to learn Photopeach to teach Chinese. I used to use PPT to display vocabulary. Now with photopeach, I can display vocabulary in the form of story and spiral. And I can add background music. It is really good to use." (Yan Xie, 2012)
Arabic orthography is a cursive system, running from right to left. Only consonants and long vowels are written. There is no upper and lower case distinction, nor can the isolated forms of letters normally be juxtaposed to form words.
The Art of Arabic Calligraphy
Arabic belongs to the group of Semitic alphabetical scripts in which mainly the consonants are represented in writing, while the markings of vowels (using diacritics) is optional.